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Qualified electronic signature Stampit

StampIT DocPro

Qualified electronic
signature for legal entities

Price per issue:
40.00 lv. w/o VAT(48.00 lv. with VAT)

See moreIssuance

StampIT Doc

Qualified electronic
signature for individuals

Price per issue:
10,00 lv. w/o VAT(12,00 lv. with VAT)

See moreIssuance

Electronic signature certificates StampIT with specific purpose

StampIT Server

Electronic signature
for secure identification
and communication with the server

Price per issue:
75,00 lv. without VAT (90,00 lv. with VAT)

IssuanceSee more

StampIT Object

Electronic signature
to prove authorship
of the software object

Price per issue:
40,00 lv. without VAT (48,00 lv. with VAT)

IssuanceSee more

StampIT Enterprise

Electronic signature
for internal organizational

Price per issue:
10,00 lv. without VAT (12,00 lv. with VAT)

IssuanceSee more



 * Services developed by Information Services Plc